Roots Of American Music
Senior / Songwriter Collaborations
a songwriting collaboration

Clare’s Song

Songwriter: Jack Mizenko
Senior: Lorretta Roberto

Written by Jack Mizenko as part of Roots of American Music’s “People on the Move” senior songwriting series, a songwriting collaboration between ROAM teaching artists/musicians and senior adults from the Cleveland Heights Senior Center and Library Court Apartments Senior Living. Jack collaborated with Lorretta Roberto, a resident of Library Court Apartments. Lorretta wanted to write a song about her mother, Clare Edith Andreano, who moved to Cleveland’s Little Italy neighborhood, from the mountain village of Rionero Sannitico, Italy, when she was five years old. Loretta recalls how her mother was insistent that her children speak proper English, and instilled in them a love of reading and language, and fostered in them a life long passion for music and the arts. Loretta’s mother and father purchased a set of nesting tables with in-laid wood the last time they visited Italy. The smallest of these tables had a music box in it that played “Torna a Sorrento” (Return to Sorrento). These lyrics are written to this melody.

Lorretta Roberto

1) Before the first World War started,
Before the Spanish flu pandemic,
I was born Clare Andreano
In Rionero Sannitico,
A mountain village in Italia,
Father already in America,
Looking for a better home
For Mother, Nonna, and me.

2) When I was 5, Father sent for us,
We took a boat across the ocean,
Made our way through Ellis Island,
Then took a train to our new home,
On the edge of Cleveland, Ohio,
Murray Hill, Little Italy.
I always did my best in school,
To learn a language new to me.

3) After graduating high school,
Met Dan Roberto at a party,
We courted seven years,
Then I became Clare Roberto.
We made a home with seven children,
Taught them love and so much kindness,
Enriched their lives with education,
Music, and a great love for the arts.

4) I survived the flu pandemic,
Made it through World Wars I and II.
Crossed the ocean to my new home,
Raised a loving family.
Looking back on 98 years,
Learned love from Mother and Nonna,
Gave it to Dan and all my family,
That love will always carry on!