Roots Of American Music
Senior / Songwriter Collaborations
a songwriting collaboration

I’m a Warrior

Songwriter: Diana Chittester
Senior: Barbara Whitsitt

Written by Diana Chittester as part of Roots of American Music’s “Hough is My Home” series, a songwriting collaboration between ROAM teaching artists/musicians and senior adults who regularly attend the Fatima Family Center in Cleveland’s Hough community. Dianna collaborated with Barbara Whitsitt, a woman with many stories appropriate for converting into song. One common theme seemed to run through her stories; Barbara’s determination to not only overcome tragedy but to lead by example. Diana’s goal was to create a musical story line that would introduce listeners to Barbara’s challenges and exemplify her attitude that allowed her to persevere, in a single lyric or phrase. The phrase that felt most fitting was to boldly state, “I’m a warrior”. When asked what she wanted listeners to know about her after hearing her song, Barbara said, “I want them to know you say what you mean, and you mean what you say. Never fail, or stop treating people the way you want to be treated”. It is important to her that she lead by example, and her motto is “I can and I will”.

Barbara Whitsitt

Verse 1:
Life hands us lessons
Often disguised in pain
And teaches there is consequence
In every choice we make
I learned this lesson first hand
as a coalminer’s daughter
I was asked to survive
When death came for my father

I’m a warrior
Who leads by example when she can
Stands by her word and means just what she says
I’m a warrior
Who won’t fail
But inspires to make change
And testifies, truth’s a heart’s best friend
I’ll become my own
I will become my own
All I need to know
Is that I can and I will

Verse 2:
He missed the bus for work that day
But the cab it wasn’t late
I kissed him goodbye
And sent my love on his way
Soon after the telephone rang
I heard, “the plant’s on fire”
That kiss goodbye
Was the last that I would give my children’s father

Verse 3: From dark times to tragedies
When the good becomes the bad
Whatever life handed me
I learned you do what you can
Picked up the pieces
Never gave up on the fight
Held on to hope
Made a difference
And promised to always try
